

No em faig responsable de els conseqüències de veure el següent video....

"And so it goes another lonely day

Your savin time but your miles away
Your fly was drownin in some bitter tea
For seeing lost opportunity

Find your mirror go and look inside
And see the talent you always hide
Don't go kidd yourself well not today
Satisfaction's not to far away

Hold on now your exits here
It's waiting just for you
Don't pause too long
It's fading now
It's ending all too soon you'll see

Soon you'll see

Your coffee's warm but your milk is sour
Life is short but your here to flower
Dream yourself along another day
Never miss opportunity

Don't be scared of what you cannot see
Your only fear is possibility
Never wonder what the hell went wrong
Your second chance may never come along

Hold on now your exits here
It's waiting just for you
Don't pause too long
It's fading now
It's ending all too soon you'll see

Soon you'll see

Hold on now your exits here
It's waiting just for you
Don't pause too long
It's fading now
It's ending all too soon you'll see

Soon you'll see [x5]

Pq un Australià a Amsterdam et pot recomenar un cantant (Pete Murray) després de que tu hagis comentat algo del John Mayer??

1. Pq el cantant tb sigui australià
2. pq el cantant hagi sigut telonero del John

....menuda combinación!

1 comentari:

Neus ha dit...

OMG!!!!!!!!! quina "peazo" de combinació!!!! mare meva mare meva!! has vist que gastada la guitarra del john?¿?¿?¿? i en pete...em pensava que era més petit de cos!!! vaia constitució més guai nop?¿?¿ jejej

opció cine quan estrenin musical ok!!!!!!!!!!!! ma barrufat però em sona que aquest trailer lhavia vist ja?¿? pot esser?¿?¿? em sona pe`ro molt!